Elame - converts wav-files to mp3 v.0.1 This shell-script is used to convert automatically all wav-files in the specified directory from wav to mp3 usinglame(must be installed).Sentences calculator v.1.0 OpenOffice extension, which displays the result of a document sentences, in the purpose to practice the kind of brain training described in.Actually support DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) as typical visual language. A SVG-based engine for drawing and evaluating visual sentences for generic visual languages. VSE - Visual Sentences Engine v.1.0 VSE - Visual Sentence Engine.Syntactic parser of English sentences v. Syntactic parser of English sentences is simple parser with enhanced Chomsky's grammar that generates tree structure based on input.Software efficiently helps system administrator, litigation support officers, forensic departments, technicians to Convert Lotus Notes address book information to Excel XLS. Converts Notes Contacts to Excel v.5.0 Migrate NSF file to MS Excel XLS file with converts Notes contacts to Excel.This is user friendly and fast working tool. We can listen this changed audio with help of any MP3 players in anywhere any time. Text into Speech v. Text into speech converts sentences paragraph readable PDF notepad text to the sound audio in normal verbal speaks.